Photo Restorations
Preserve that timeless image and memory with our advanced and complete photo restorations. We will lovingly restore your photo regardless of condition or size Most photos can be restored regardless of the condition as long as enough information is available and left with the photograph. We have years of photo restoration experience and can restore torn photographs, those damaged by water, or faded by the sun. Located in Ogden, Utah we charge a flat fee of $29.95 for any photo and 19.95 per photo *with a 5 pack purchase. Rest assured your photos stay here and are processed here. They are not sent out of the country for processing or placed in the hands of individuals you did not intend to have them.
If there is enough of the photo left, we can digitally restore it for you. Rarely do we have to recommend no restoration, due to the quality of the original photo. Bring in your photo, Mail us your photo or email us a high resolution scan and we will digitally restore your images for you. Once we receive your scanned photo(s) our artist will restore your photo(s) back to the day it was first created, sometimes better. We will then send you a convenient link to download your photo(s) and send any original copies back to you. It is best that they are scanned in at a high res and in TIFF format. The better the scan the better we can restore the photo. With JPG or other lossy files some details are compressed and lost. We will scan your photo for restoration at no extra charge. These are some places you can scan your photo if you would rather use their services for convenience. We can also send you a print of your photo for an extra fee.
Most family history centers in Utah will scan your photos for free.
Fedex printing services
UPS store

A proud service of and Like Rain Photography LLC